And the massive traffic jams snarling for hours because of insecure politicians certainly doesn't help its image one bit. What it needs is an excellent and comfortable public transport and a huge reduction in traffic volume in the city centre. The city planners should know what to do. Unless they bought their degrees and they do get to go on overseas study tours. Maybe that could be achieved by reducing significantly the parking spaces available(or making them bleedingly expensive) and imposing levy on cars into the city. The rich and the fashionable won't mind paying and so let them in. As for the rest, why would you want to waste all that money on fuel and tolls and increase your chances of getting a cardiac arrest as well. You just need to get into the city to work. Not to show off your Proton. As the weather is not suitable for cycling in formal attire, air-conditioned shuttles could be an alternative transport along major routes. No need for mega tunnels or tracks. Due to the huge reduction in traffic volume, public transport would become more efficient which in turn attract more passengers. And them buses and trains could at last be making money while the city folks be able to follow a less strenuous routine.
But what do I know. Talking from Johor Bahru.
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