PM says he met top Pas leaders over unity talks
Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has admitted to having held three meetings, to date, with top Pas leaders on Islam and Malay unity.
The prime minister, who is also Umno president, declined to name who he had met, except to say that Pas spiritual leader Datuk Seri Nik Aziz Nik Mat was not part of the talks.
Abdullah would not say when the meetings took place.
Speaking on the subject last week, he only said Umno "welcomed" Pas' willingness to hold such talks.
"I have actually held meetings, three times, if you want to know.
"They were with high-level party leaders, individuals who have the power to make decisions.
"But I can say that Nik Aziz was not present," Abdullah said yesterday...
Hmm...tying the knot are we. So what are you gonna call this new consummation? Pasumno? Pasno? Umnopas? Menopas? Umpas?
Reckon Umpas should be cool. Pronounce as Hampas. Well, for a bunch of discards from both parties, it would be quite apt, don't you think? Back when I was in school in Seremban, them Somban dudes would pronounce it as Hampeh. And that would be the most appropriate word to describe this stupidity.
sesekali encik taring tulis dalam BM la. aku segan nak komen dalam BI sebab BI aku "cemerlang sangat".
Hehehe...sebenar nyer wa nak prektis penulisan bahasa omputeh. Senang nak ajar anak2 Matematik dgn Sains. Sebelum ader mentri pelajaran baru ikut suka tok nenek dia tukar balik pada bahser Melayu. Mcm dorg tukar girlfren & kereta.
Wa nyer bahser Melayu bahser pasar. Tak braper reti nak ejas jadi bahser Usman Awang. Lebih mirip kepada bahser Shahnon Ahmad. Hehehe.
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