Stop bickering and get cracking! This is the overwhelming call by Malaysians who are getting increasingly concerned with latest developments in the country.
Various groups have expressed frustration, what with all the unfolding political drama, and have demanded that the Government and the Opposition put public interest above everything else.
Yeah...tell that to that two bitches' faces! An anally retentive sodomite and a pussyfooting whore chaser bitching and gnawing at each other's throat. How cool is that for prime minister wannabes. For all we know, there'll be an all porn channel coming to town soon, local exploits included. Woohoo!!! And the sleepy moron is snoring through it all! And the court jesters from both divides are doing just that. Being in jest. Debating and discussing the country's and our future with their stupidities and dirty jokes. These politicians and senior government officials seem oblivious and unperturbed by chaos and catastrophe that will, sooner rather than later, befall us all because of their mismanagement of the economy and country. And life's getting unbearable by the minute. Just our luck to be born in this unlucky lucky country.
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