Thursday, July 31, 2008


Sub-standard equipment that was a waste of taxpayers’ money

KUALA LUMPUR: The RM100mil police logistics scandal not only saw the delivery of sub-standard equipment, but would also have put the lives of police personnel at risk and wasted taxpayers' money.

Sources told The Star that it was “a case of greed, corruption and malpractice” involving senior government servants and police officers.

The Anti-Corruption Agency is collecting vital documents pertaining to the matter and is expected to interview a senior civil servant.

Among the shocking finds were:

- Machetes (parang) ordered for General Operations Force personnel were smaller than specified, and would rust and break easily;

- Bullet-proof vests not according to specifications and anti-riot helmets not subjected to safety tests;

- Boots supplied to traffic policemen were not waterproof, drill boot heels fell off easily, and boots used by Federal Reserve Unit personnel and UN duty officers were not nail proof;

- Single iron beds, mattresses and pillows used by recruits were not up to specifications, with the pillows being fire hazards.

A senior police officer said bulletproof vests and other equipment like anti-riot gear, including helmets, purchased through direct negotiations had been put on hold, as they had not been fully tested for safety features.


Pity them guys in blue. On Hari Pahlawan. On our Remembrance Day and this. Will they be as brave against unarmed citizens knowing that their gear are just low quality house brands? Their machetes are slightly better than those purchased from them RM2 shops? That their bullet proof vests are not of kevlar but poplar? I just cannot imagine should one or seventy of those heels fell off during those march past on Merdeka Day in front of all those foreign dignitaries. Even the representative of President Mugabe would laugh his rocks off. Reckon those military uniforms purchased from 'kedai bundle' donned by them young punks are of hardier materials.

Selamat Hari Pahlawan.

Am having that feeling again which you can only say what in French. déjà vu. Unfortunately this is not something pleasant. It's not about reliving the scene of your first necking. It's about something more morbid.

It's not unlike being thrown into Hell. But instead of those superheated flames and molten lead, in this Hell you're being subjected to ghastly repetitions. You got to endure the results of them moronic decisions made by imbecile and greedy little napoleons who got bold because their political masters and ministers were no better, over and over again for eternity. With each scene unfolding, your blood curdled and as it coagulated you felt your veins throbbing, thickening. Thud! Thud! Thud! Soon more than a few would start bursting as your heart pumped even faster but instead of pumping out blood, it spewed a blackish maroon tofu-like substance. Finally that substance managed to inch its way throughout your body and into your brains and you exploded. All the while feeling the pain, in stereo.

Then you're wholesome again. Sitting there in front of the idiot box waiting for the next moronic scene. As it starts, your blood starts to curdle again. Over and over again for eternity.

That would be one hell even Hades, brother of Zeus and husband of Persephone, would cringe.

What did we do to deserve this? We let the people we elected get away with murder. We let them off once. We let them off twice. We let them off for half a frigging century. And we deserved every bit of Hell that came with that.

Until we seek redemption. Are we ready to redeem ourselves? Only the Creator of Hell knows.


Saya... said...

you are right about ghastly repetitions..watching these scenes play out the same way each day and going through it again and again is like being in hell...wonder when they will go?

tarings said...

The people put them there. Only the people can make them go. Unless we wise up to their antics and lies, they will be there for eternity. Them ghastly repetitions too, in tandem.