Sunday, January 11, 2009

Maybe it's the fate of them Arabs. To be a race highly regarded by Allah. To have the Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) hailed from amongst them. To kill each other. To be rich beyond their own dreams and flaunt their wealth for the world to see and enrich the enemies of Islam in the process. To make asses of themselves. To be poor and living in dilapidated shacks in their own homeland. To be slaughtered by Jews. Arable land indeed. But are Arabs able? Are they too into their tribal or nationalistic shit not to care? Should we care? Allah will definitely care. But He also mentioned something about not helping a race or a group of people until they start helping themselves. Will our effort sufficient? We really hope so.

So what's this about boycotting American and/or Jewish products? Will it help? Will it make a dent in their profit? A few of them products don't even reach our shores, let alone us purchasing them. So what if this campaign manages to close a few outlets or factories here, reckon who'll be the victims? Those factories will sooner move to Vietnam or further east. Reckon those young Malay kids who man the cash register, take orders and mop the floor at McDonalds or arranging goods at Carrefour be able to get a better job in these trying times with only their SPM to show? Those doing shifts in the Permanis's Coca Cola and Maggi/Nestle factories be able to move to Vietnam or further east?

Is being an Arab a curse? Is being a Muslim a curse? Is being a Malay a curse for that matter? Or are these just tests of faith? Maybe if that stretch of arid godforsaken land is just that, arid and godforsaken, could them Arabs live peacefully among them camels and goats. But they have been cursed with black gold and not being equipped with the faculties to match. Despite all them great Islamic scholars of old came from there. Were they not Arabs? Were they Muslims with Arabic sounding names from faraway lands?

Of course we sympathise with them poor innocent Palestinians. We feel for them. Blown to bits, barricaded and no aid coming their way. But do their Arab brothers even care? The last I heard Dubai is still flaunting like crazy. Saudi Arabia is still counting the money they raked in after the just completed Haj season. Apart from the income generated by that cursed black gold. Are other Muslims making it easier for them Palestinians by their interpretations of Islam? Are the Palestinians making it easier for themselves? That arid and godforsaken stretch of no man's land, with those wretched children and toddlers and widows living in dilapidated shanty towns has two factions. Not counting tribal and other allegiances. In the whole Arab world? In the whole of the Muslim world? OIC? Who's the Secretary General of OIC? Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu? Oh...

Hmm...fortunately there's Ramly burger. Got to check whether they do the Prosperity...

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