Patient: Female 61 years 2 months
Radiology report: Abdomen/Pelvic CECT
CT 7 mm slice thickness with 1.5 pitch from the dome of diaphragm till the symphysis pubis.
There is short segment luminal narrowing with a mass seen arising from the wall of rectosigmoid colon.
There is loss of normal clear margin of the serosa.
There is streakiness of the pericolonic fat.
There is still a plane between the rectosigmoid lesion and the bladder.
There is no enlarge pelvic nodes.
No fluid or air seen within the uterus.
No loculated fluid collection in the pelvis.
Hypodense liver lesion in segment 6.
No dilated intrahepatic duct. No gall bladder stone.
CBD not dilated.
No focal lesion in the pancreas and spleen.
There is staghorn calculus on the right side.
Small cortical renal cyst on the left kidney. No hydronephrosis.
No enlarge pareaaortic paracaval node.
No lung nodules in the lung bases.
No pneumoperitoneum.
IMP: Rectosigmoid mass with liver lesion.
This represent cancer rectosigmoid colon stage D
Right staghorn calculus.
Gribbles Pathology Report.
Clinical History
Ca sigmoid colon.
Specimen designated --- Sigmoid colon.
Four fragments of irregular greyish brown tissue measuring 1.8cm in aggregate diameter. Sectioned and entirely submitted in one block.
Section shows fragments of tissue composed of malignant epithelial cells forming closely packed glands and nfiltrating the stroma. The tumour cells are pleomorphic, columnar in shape, have vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli and eosinophilic cytoplasm. There is increased mitotic activity. Histologic grade - moderately differentiated. Areas of ulceration and necrosis are seen. Tumour necrosis is seen in the lumen of some of the glands.
Sigmoid colon biopsy: Adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated, infiltrating.
Wished Biology interest me when I was in Form 4. And I got on to do medicine. Guessed I chickened out when I took the easier Social Science class instead. But what's the point, out of 110 or so of us from back then, only 2 got to be doctors. Looking back, there are a million and one things I wished I could have done differently. But what's the point, apart from unnecessary heartaches and that bitter feeling of being stupid.
And it won't helped Ma a bit now. We had done and will be doing all we can to ensure her full recovery and make her as comfortable as possible. All she need right now is the gift from Allah The Merciful, The Compassionate. He is the One Who Determines.
Oh Allah, The Merciful and The Compassionate.
Please take care of me Ma as she had taken care of us from birth.
Please protect her from harm as she had protected us from birth.
Please rid her of all her ailments, rid her of her pains and sufferings.
Please give her courage and strength to face these tests of Yours.
Please protect her from evil, by things seen and unseen.
Please pave the way for us her children to be able to assist.
To offer financial assistance.
To offer our energy.
To offer our time and help Ma be better again.
Please Oh Allah, The Merciful, The Compassionate.
I have no idea what those words in blue means.
But from what you wrote it doesnt sound too good. You are right, we can only do whats within our powers, the rest is up to Him.
Hope your mom makes a speedy recovery.
Thanks bro. Appreciate the doa much.
Ma is suffering from colon cancer. Had her operation Monday to remove the affected area. The hope now is the cancer has not spread to her liver and some.
We plan. And He plans.
Amin to ur doa n i hope ur Ma recovers... insyaAllah...
how is she now..
She's recuperating well, thank you. Just that anxious wait for them biopsies. If they turn out to be negative, alhamdulillah. If not, well, I don't want to think about it at the moment. Just praying and hoping that she'll be under His protection.
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