Saturday, May 9, 2009

time after time flies. And what time can do to you. The first tomboy that stirred something within me before Nasha and then Melissa. Seems like a million years ago though me buds and me feel that we are cursed to be eternally seventeen. We stop aging the year we left Sikamat. Guess we never grow up. Hahaha.

Will Sinead feel the same way? Is the rebel still lurking inside? Will she tear iconic photos? Guess it's for her to know and for us to find out eh.

Have a happy life, Sinead dear.
Thanks for all them nice songs, nice memories.


Cik Lin said...

aha.. so u like sinead eh? but she's pretty. so its natural to like her. cuba those pengkids, the ones yang truly nampak mcm lelaki. hahaha.

btw, what's with the taring menyeringai? kena dpt invitation eh?

tarings said...

i must confess that i do like her...and must confess as well that i'm a full blooded male...naturally pretty girls are right up me alley...tomboy or ladylike...and naturally will not get that hot under the collar bila terselisih dgn pengkid yg mcm jantan...hehehe

and it's still beyond me how them purty girls have the hots for them pengkids you mentioned...

taring menyeringai? port kita org letak youtube & don't want to go in there...hehehe

Saya... said...

Dia gay lah!


Cik Lin said...

so u like pretty girls eh? ngee nak letak pic kat blog la. haha~

tarings said...

ten or twenty years ago imm dear...
now...well...reckon it's not that appropriate...hahaha

Cikgu Bob said...

dulu waktu aku form 5 ada member sekelas aku yg suka betul lagu budak botak tu (sinead o connor).

aku bukan peminat budak botak tu, aku peminat pop yeh yeh.

lama tak jumpa geng. sori aku sibuk sangat.

tarings said...

yelah...mmg dah lama sangat...bila lega2 nanti singgah...