Thursday, May 8, 2008

Well, since I'm in such a pissy mood today, nothing good on TV, I thought I'd just vent a bit about things that piss me off:

Mobile phones!! A car is for driving, dumbo. It's not a mobile phone booth so put the damn phone away, hands free thingy or not, and pay attention to what you're doing on the road. You've got nothing that important to say anyway. Gossiping is not a matter of life and death. And while I'm comparing the price of rice or milk, I don't need to listen to you yakking away with some other shithead about your godforsaken life and your fucking problems. Keep them to yourself when you're out in public. The only people who could use their mobile phones anywhere are the emergency service workers, my bookie and Astro repairmen.

Driving!! Get your collective heads out of your collective asses and pay attention to what you're doing. Use your head! Not too much to ask, eh? If you know you've got to turn right or left on an upcoming street or into a driveway, go to the correct lane long before you get there and don't suddenly swerve across 3 lanes of traffic at the last second because you suddenly realise you're where you want to be. Those little orange thingies at the four corners of your car, FUCKING use them stoopid. They are there for a reason, to indicate to others where the fucking fuck you're going. We are no mind readers, stoopid. And, goodness fucking gracious, if you're in the fast lane and need to turn left, don't fucking stop in the middle of the road, it'll only add a few more minutes to your really miserable life to make a u-turn somewhere and come back. And I don't carry vaseline with me so don't ride my ass on the highway, go to the fast lane. Shithead morons.

Without naming any specific age group, but some of you drivers who just had your P licenses and those of you who should by now surrender your licenses, where the fuck do y'all learn to drive!! What? You bribe those goons RM20 for the license? My blood pressure goes up 50 points every time, not to mention how my arteries are hardening while I'm driving behind you. That sign on the side of the road is called the speed limit. It also means you can drive that fast. 60 means 60...not 15. Duh!!

Yapping dogs!! I love dogs but I don't want to hear yours yapping away. Why did God have to create those little, rat like dogs that continually yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap all damn day long? And why doesn't the law allow me to poison yapping dogs? Why don't y'all get a Rottweiler? They just kill and they don't talk much.

Baseball caps!!! Look you little dick heads. The bill of a baseball cap faces forward to shade the eyes. It doesn't go backwards or sideways. You looked like someone slapped the shit out of you. The only person legally able to wear a baseball cap backwards is the catcher on a baseball team when he's wearing his catcher's mask. The rest of you look like idiots.

Rap music!! Two words that don't belong together. Well, that and PM Badawi. Rap ain't music. Period. It's crap without the C.

Speeding cars on residential streets!! This isn't a race track stooopid! SLOW FUCKING DOWN. Too many kids at play. To the guy at the end of the street with a souped up Wira with the windshield smashed in with a sledge hammer one night, uh, I didn't do it. Honest to God!!

Ah, I feel so much better now...

Image? Hmmm, forgot where I stole this. Sorry.

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