Just murdering some more boring minutes before me thang at 3pm when I noticed the Telekom Malaysia stall. And me feet began heading there before receiving them instructions from me brain. Ahhh...lovely salespersons. Before they started shoving them packages to me face that is.
You want to update to a broadband package sir?
I got me a Streamyx package thank you. A 512mb.
Would you like to upgrade it to the 1g. Just RM110.
Me speed is cool, thank you. I only do emails. And pretend to blog. Am not too into watching videos online. RM5 will get me a pretty decent DVD.
But think of the speed. You could respond to emails faster. And maybe update your blog regularly.
Huh? Since you're kinda too into this broadband packages, can I make an inquiry regarding me connectivity?
See, I'm having a problem with them blings. Some days were good. Most were bleeding am-gonna-hack-and-slash-some-tm-personnel kinda days. Me ADSL that is. Any advice?
Your connections, your telephones?
Checked. They're cool with it.
Your wiring?
You can call 100. And press 2.
Did that. But it seems not too many agents willing to listen to me problem.
Press 1 then.
Fuck you.