Why are them junks so popular especially among our youths? Why are they so popular despite having little or no nutritional value? Despite having ingredients considered unhealthy and even downright dangerous when regularly consumed? Despite them warnings given by them medical geeks? Despite them studies that were made public by medical journals?
Is it due to them being more convenient and easy to obtain and ready to be eaten? Is it because they taste good and our youths have developed the taste for them? Or have they been indoctrinated since they left them cribs, or maybe they are unfortunate victims of alien implants? Or is is just fashionable to follow the majority, and dumb down? Or is simply smart marketing and strategies by them producers of junks?
Guess them majority of our youths are ever ready to be duped. Sadomasochists. Deriving pleasures and gratification from physical and emotional abuses. Despite them warning signs everywhere.
Not unlike those yobbos in Pemuda Umno.